Capt. Max E. Causey at Odd Fellows Cemetery

Max E. Causey
Max E. Causey is located next to the fence section with the Causey family name.

It was a beautiful Sunday with a bank of clouds rolling across the sky. I actually prefer shooting graves on cloudy days because I cast less of a shadow on my work.

Today’s find is Captain Max E. Causey, U.S. Air Force. Capt. Causey was the foreman on Jack Ruby’s jury. Ruby was convicted of shooting Lee Harvey Oswald in the basement of the Dallas Police Headquarters, now the Dallas Municipal Building.

The instructions on Find A Grave for finding Capt. Causey were simple enough. His grave marker was located on the east side near the front. The Odd Fellows Cemetery near Caddo Mills is divided like a compass with the main roads running north, south, east and west. Continue reading “Capt. Max E. Causey at Odd Fellows Cemetery”