Capt. Max E. Causey at Odd Fellows Cemetery

Max E. Causey
Max E. Causey is located next to the fence section with the Causey family name.

It was a beautiful Sunday with a bank of clouds rolling across the sky. I actually prefer shooting graves on cloudy days because I cast less of a shadow on my work.

Today’s find is Captain Max E. Causey, U.S. Air Force. Capt. Causey was the foreman on Jack Ruby’s jury. Ruby was convicted of shooting Lee Harvey Oswald in the basement of the Dallas Police Headquarters, now the Dallas Municipal Building.

The instructions on Find A Grave for finding Capt. Causey were simple enough. His grave marker was located on the east side near the front. The Odd Fellows Cemetery near Caddo Mills is divided like a compass with the main roads running north, south, east and west.

Finding Capt. Causey sounded easy until I had seen every grave marker on the east side more than once. From the image on Find A Grave, I could see that Capt. Cause had a military grave marker; pink granite with cast bronze name place. These are easy to spot from a distance. All the other grave markers are gray granite.

I nearly gave up after a two hour search when I decided to look deeper and deeper over on the west side of the cemetery. I had already searched most of the east and west side of the front. I even thought for a moment that Mrs. Causey (Rosemary Middlebrook Causey) must have relocated Capt. Cause or possibly replaced his military grave marker with a joint family marker.

I don’t remember which I spotted first, the fence or the pink granite military marker. Capt. Causey was located on the far west side of the cemetery just beyond the front half (I considered the gazebo the middle marker). Someone had hung fresh hanging flowers over Capt. Causey’s grave marker. His grave is right next to the section of fence with the Causey family name.

I was going to hunt down more graves today, but after a two hour search, my day was spent at the Odd Fellows Cemetery.

As usual I took photographs with multiple Holga cameras (4.5×6 & 6×6) and my Nikon D7000 camera. I also noted the GPS coordinates in my Moleskine notebook. After shooting the grave marker of Capt. Causey, his wife and infant son (Kevin Causey), I took shots from outside the cemetery to get the Causey section of fence.

It was a good day.

Max E. Causey
Max E. Causey is located next to the fence section with the Causey family name.