Dallas Museum of Art Shop Selling Diana F+ Camera

Dallas Museum of Art online Gift Shop
Dallas Museum of Art online Gift Shop

I discovered recently the Dallas Museum of Art online gift shop (www.shopDMA.org) is selling Lomo cameras, especially the Diana F+ camera. Lomo, short for lomography, cameras are usually cheap, plastic cameras that use either 35mm or 120 roll film. This includes Holga cameras, which are what I use, but are not being sold at the DMA.

I really only bring this to your attention because I want you to be informed before you buy.

These cameras are addicting. Continue reading “Dallas Museum of Art Shop Selling Diana F+ Camera”

A Day in Dealey Plaza

Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas (Nov. 22, 2010)
Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas (Nov. 22, 2010)

I spent most of the day in Dealey Plaza outside the Texas School Book Depository (now The Sixth Floor Museum) this Monday, November 22, 2010. I took time lapse photos in various locations most of the day. I started out before 7 a.m. and left sometime around 2 p.m. Lucky for me I remembered to pack a lunch.

I did not know really what to expect, but right on queue a crowd of people showed up around noon time on the north side of Dealey Plaza. There were people all over the place with film crews, radio stations and mounted Dallas Police Officers. Continue reading “A Day in Dealey Plaza”

Abraham Zapruder at Emanu-El Cemetery

Emanu-El Cemetery
3430 Howell Street, Dallas, Texas

Farther south on Central Expressway and Hall can be found the Emanu-El Cemetery. This is a smaller cemetery with what looks like mostly Jewish graves. I asked for help locating Abraham Zapruder from the gardener. I knew the section and so he pointed the area out to me. Zapruder is located just south of the mausoleum near the road. His headstone has a small magnolia tree growing over it. The tree is the size of a bush at present. Zapruder’s marker also includes his spouse. Continue reading “Abraham Zapruder at Emanu-El Cemetery”

Judge Sarah Hughes at Sparkman-Hillcrest Memoria Park

Sparkman-Hillcrest Memorial Park
7405 W. Northwest Highway, Dallas, Texas

I visited the SHMP today to find Judge Sarah Hughes and a few other notable people. After roaming the mausoleum for some time, I had to ask for help locating Judge Hughes. Upon returning to the SHMP receptionist another visitor has their car broke into and their purse stolen. The lot is close to the sidewalk and Northwest Highway. I checked my Yukon for any damage and there wasn’t any. One of the receptionists said her purse was still in her car. I can’t believe that two women in the same location think it is acceptable to leave a purse in plain site in a car. Continue reading “Judge Sarah Hughes at Sparkman-Hillcrest Memoria Park”