Death By Holga – Mr. Holga walkabout street and portrait photographer Tue, 06 Mar 2012 21:32:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 49179826 Interviewed by The Dallas Morning News Wed, 08 Jun 2011 16:38:49 +0000 Continue reading "Interviewed by The Dallas Morning News"

Yesterday, I was interviewed by David Flick, featured writer for The Dallas Morning News, about Death By Holga: 11.22.63. We met at Jason’s Deli near Mockingbird Station in Dallas.

David asked all the usual questions and left some out that I think have nothing to do with the project. He ask about the project and where the idea came from. He also asked about my Holga cameras and what makes them special.

I brought along some of the photographs I have been taking. I showed David the Holga defects that give the photographs an artsy look. I enjoy all the defects: scratches, light leaks, double-images and vignetting. I never know what I am going to get until the film is developed.

I also brought along a camera bag full of Holgas. I had two standard models with flash, wide pinhole, 3D and 35mm models.

David also asked if I had an agent or publisher. If not, then I might have both knocking on my door soon.

David did not ask any conspiracy questions and I liked that. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I believe what I can see until it has been through Photoshop. After that, it’s anyone’s game.

David did ask who I would most like to photograph for Death By Holga: 11.22.63. I would love to photograph any of the following living people:

Why would I want former Presidents Clinton and Bush? Because Clinton was photographed shaking Kennedy’s hand while he was in college. This is a somewhat famous photo. Bush is the only former president to call Dallas his home. My JFK project is about making links to the past, and they have links.

I gave credit for my JFK project where credit is due. I talked about my spouse’s approval of the JFK project. I also mentioned The Sixth Floor Museum being helpful to a limited degree. I say limited degree because the museum does not want to be involved with every JFK project. I’m just lucky enough to know the right people.

We talked for about 40 minutes and made plans for a portrait photograph of me at a nearby cemetery.

The featured article might run as early as Friday, June 10, 2011.

Purchased Thu, 10 Jun 2010 07:00:00 +0000 Purchased for site. Unfortunately, was already taken by an author for a future project. Had I registered it in early May, then I would have gotten it. should be a better name and does not limit the project to just Dallas.

The first books will be Death By Holga: Remembering JFK and Death By Holga: Dallas & Fort Worth.

Abraham Zapruder at Emanu-El Cemetery Sun, 16 May 2010 06:59:13 +0000 Emanu-El Cemetery
3430 Howell Street, Dallas, Texas

Farther south on Central Expressway and Hall can be found the Emanu-El Cemetery. This is a smaller cemetery with what looks like mostly Jewish graves. I asked for help locating Abraham Zapruder from the gardener. I knew the section and so he pointed the area out to me. Zapruder is located just south of the mausoleum near the road. His headstone has a small magnolia tree growing over it. The tree is the size of a bush at present. Zapruder’s marker also includes his spouse.

Emanu-El Cemetery is right next to a Wal-mart grocery store. There is a Wal-mart sign that can be seen with a field of grave makers in the background.

Abraham Zapruder
Small gray granite marker
