On Saturday, April 27, 2013, after a Slow Art Day, I got a few minutes with Kennedy assassination witness Mary Ann Moorman Krahmer. Mrs. Krahmer was gracious enough to be photographed and interviewed for my JFK book, Death By Holga: 11.22.63.
I met Mrs. Krahmer at The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza. She was accompanied by her husband.
I was prepared with a chair, diffuser / reflector, one Nikon camera, two Holga cameras, and a very able assistant. The day started off as overcast with a naturally diffused light. But as afternoon came around, so did the harsh sunlight. My assistant kept Mrs. Krahmer nicely diffused (and shaded) for the entire shoot.
Mrs. Krahmer, at the time Moorman, was standing with Jean Hill along Elm Street in the center of Dealey Plaza. I took her photo in the exact spot she and Mrs. Hill were standing. I was surprised that it was so close to the street. Mrs. Krahmer was the closest witness to the assassination.
Mrs. Krahmer took a Polaroid photo the moment after Kennedy was shot. This very famous photo is on view in The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza.
I shot two rolls of film, one 160 ISO and one 400 ISO. I like to hedge my bets when it comes to mild days and the use of a diffuser.
The film will be developed later this week. You’ll have to read the book to get the interview. Cheers.
I too have had the opportunity to photograph Mrs. Krahmer twice. The first time, the weather in Dealey Plaza was too cold and wet, so I had to wait a while until she came to Colorado for a web cast interview about her experience on 11/22/63.
I used both a Polaroid 360 Land Camera loaded with Fuji FP3000b film and a Kodak (manufactured in germany after the second World War, and fitted with a German lens) loaded with Ilford Delta 3200 ASA black and white negative film. The turned out beautifully, and I enjoy the portraits I took of her.
Mrs. Krahmer is a kind and generous subject when it comes to photo shoots. I really like your work here on the grass in Dealey Plaza.
Also, I wanted to share that I have photographed Dealey Plaza with a camera identical to Mrs. Krahmer’s Polaroid 80A Highlander, but I used Kodak Tri-X Pan 400ASA 120 size film, as Polaroid roll film is no longer manufactured as of the early 1990’s. I had to hand advance each frame in a dark bag. It was a pain, but I got some nice images of the Depository and Mr. Zapruder’s perch.
Please contact me if you would like to.
Thanks for the comments. Yes, I found Mrs. Krahmer very nice. I like how she calls herself Mary Ann. That name rings a bell somewhere from my childhood.
Please send me a link to your photographs. I would love to see your Polaroids. Cheers.
Mr. Holga
I will need to scan the photos I took with the Ilford Delta 3200 ASA in the two days before her interview. The Polaroids, taken at her interview are not in my possession anymore. They were given to the Brass Armadillo Antique Mall in Denver, Colorado, who sponsored the event and paid for some of the film. Would you still like to see the photos I have? Thank God I kept the negatives! I am so old school. I just don’t trust the digital stuff always.
Now, this may take a few days to locate the film in my apartment and to take it to Denver Pro Photo for scanning. I need to do it anyway. Would you like to see these?
Sorry, I did not see you reply until now. Yes, I would love to see your photos of Mary Ann Moorman. Cheers.
Mr. Holga